
About Origins of Animations

Origins of Animations is the one-stop resource for the behind-the-scenes stories of your favorite animated movies and TV shows from the past and present (apologies for not knowing the future). By covering areas of development, production, technology, cast/crew, etc., readers will get a look into the unique journey every animation takes to get to the big or small screen.

This blog is for those who not only watch animated works, but also think about them, asking questions like “How did they do that?” or “Why did they do that?” Currently, curious animation enthusiasts can find these answers on various different sources. But, there are so many sources, so much info, but not enough time. Luckily for you, the Origins of Animations writer loves wasting time, all for you. You’re welcome. On this blog, you’ll find a wealth of interesting info neatly packaged in posts and tied with some silly string, providing knowledge and entertainment just like their animated subjects.

 About the Founder

So, you’re probably wondering about the awesome, and humble, person who founded, writes for, and manages this awesome blog. That person would be Leandra Lipat. She always had a passion for animation. She would watch (too much) cartoons and animated movies and immediately look up fun trivia about them. So, she’s very excited to be able to share her findings on this blog. Besides watching animations, she enjoys creating them too. She has made a couple of animated shorts and will continue to make more as she continues her studies in animation at Drexel University.

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